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Doctor Who Series 1 Episode 1: "Rose" Review

I'm back! For now. When I started this blog, I wanted to do it for myself. I wanted to talk about the shows that meant the most to me. But then, I got bogged down by the idea that I needed to talk about a popular show at the time in the hopes that it would bring eyeballs to the page.  Well, no more, I say! I'm doing this for me this time, and if you want to come along for the ride, great! If not, I guess I'm not the first person to shout into the void.  So what brings about the return of The TV Zone? Well, one of MY favorite shows,  Doctor Who , will be returning with a new series (what they call a "season" of television in Europe) next year following the Centenary Special that will see Jodie Whittaker's departure as the Thirteenth Doctor in October. The Centenary Special will also see the departure of Chris Chibnall as showrunner, news which many fans are happy to hear. Replacing him as showrunner for Series 14 is Russell T. Davies (RTD), the man responsible ...

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